The fact that Russian propaganda in the USA, Germany and other countries deliberately attempts to inflame moods has been known and documented for years. Since 1999 a particularly large number of conflicts can be observed; We have invited Dietmar Pichler,
Misleading and false information becomes a danger when it has the aim of deliberately deceiving or influencing people and is distributed in a systematic manner. This is known as disinformation. However, it is not easy to identify targeted disinformation as such: Sometimes things are completely made up, sometimes they are deliberately taken out of context, exaggerated or essential information is omitted, creating a false impression - not only by text but also in manipulated pictures or videos (deep fakes).
European Liberals for Reform in cooperation with the Center for Digital Media Literacy, Vienna invites you to our first Panel discussion.
You are invited to the first meeting of the Working Group Media and Public Service Media. The starting point of the discussion will be my post on World TV Day, particularly the aspect of broadcast TV v. big tech