Romantic movement vs. Enlightenment / #91 By Johannes Eber I’ve been for the past few days in the very southeastern part of Germany, at the Berchtesgadener Land visiting a friend (here some pictures I took). There, in 1824-1825, the German
Read moreRomantic movement vs. Enlightenment / #91 By Johannes Eber I’ve been for the past few days in the very southeastern part of Germany, at the Berchtesgadener Land visiting a friend (here some pictures I took). There, in 1824-1825, the German
Read moreIn Germany, the discussion has focused very much on what Germany no longer wants, namely electricity from nuclear power and electricity from coal-fired power. However, if Germany does not succeed in transforming their energy system in such a way that they can replace these power generation capacities with renewable energies, then this will lead to Germany importing precisely this electricity, i.e. nuclear power from their western neighbors and coal-fired power from their eastern neighbors.
The war in Ukraine highlights Germany’s dangerous dependence: Not only natural gas is imported from the east, but also oil and coal. Power plants, factories and domestic heating systems are threatened with standstill if supplies are cut off.
Read moreTheresa Zettl A great step in the right direction for the LGBTQI+ community and rainbow families: the European Court of Justice has ruled that the relationship between child and parent recognized by one EU state must also be recognized by
Read moreI live in the beautiful Landkreis Passau in South-East Germany, which has turned in very little time into the biggest Covid-19 hotspot in Germany. And I am sick of it. I am sick of people who do not care, that even when they believe Covid-19 is the biggest hoax by the NWO or governments all over the globe, they have a responsibility towards their fellow human beings.
Read moreDisclaimer: The information has been taken and translated from the “Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung”, Germany ( 9 November 1989 and the following night marked the end of the Wall that had divided East and West Berlin for 28 years. Thousands
Read moreBY DANIEL KADDIK This article was originally written for Fundación Bases (Rosario – Argentina) to commemorate a new anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall. It was first published in Panampost in 2016. Daniel Kaddik is Executive Director at
Read moreby Theresa Zettl
When we talk about rights of LGBTQI+ in Germany, we also need to talk about the blood donation ban for homosexual, bisexual men, and transsexual people. On regular basis debates in the Bundestag are led in this matter, but there are not really steps taken to ease the blood donation ban.
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