Polish Catholic church: How dare you?

he southern Polish diocese of Bielsko-Żywiec speculated in a court case about whether sexual abuse of a twelve-year-old boy would bring “satisfaction” if the boy was gay. After media reported on a document to this effect, the diocese apologised for the statement and declared that they would not pursue this theory in the trial. Specifically, the case concerned the complaint of 48-year-old Janusz Szymik, who claimed to have been raped several times by a priest at the age of twelve. The perpetrator was declared guilty by the Vatican in 2015.

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​​Cheaper and faster: How the EU Commission wants to make cross-border train travel more attractive

There are two options to get more Europeans on the train and to fly less. Option number one: make flying less attractive. Option number two: make rail travel more attractive.

The history of railroads in Europe is the history of national railways and national railroad companies. Every country built up its own routes. Naturally, if the country was bigger, the distances were longer; if the country was small, the distances were short. There were few cross-border rails.

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