Webinar took place on 07.07.2021
Speaker: Máté Bozóky
Moderation: Theresa Zettl
We all have seen the tremendous change in democracy and the rising abandonment of democratic values in Hungary in the last decade. We would like to give you an insight of how the Hungarian parliamentary democracy has been threatened since 2010.
Hungarian citizens are not adequately represented along the values of the European Union and the role of the Hungarian political opposition is also rather questionable.
Máté Bozóky is an ALDE Individual member since January 2020. He was born in Hungary and moved to the Netherlands in August 2020.
As he sees the development in his home country very critical, he wants to give us an insight into the development in Hungary.
Máté won an essay competition organised by the European Hungarian Society and his essay “Remember the future” was published in NÉPSZAVA, the biggest Hungarian newspaper. (Read more: https://www.europatarsasag.hu/en/news/2020/winners)
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- Piotr Azia, Polish-Italian, I feel more European than anything else. My contributions range from the media to culture, the environment and geopolitics – and any subject that may merit discussing from a liberal point of view. I also organise ELfR webinars – get in touch if you have a subject you’d like to discuss or see included in future
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