Our working group Family & Education focuses on the right that all children and adolescents shall grow up well and with fair access to education and opportunities to participate – regardless of their social, economic or cultural-ethnic background.

Covid-19, closed schools and the switching to homeschooling has shown that some children are less privileged than others, due to their family’s financial situation, full-time working parents, who have less spare time to support their children’s schooling, etc. We have to ensure that all children have access to education and support these families who do not.

About our working group chairperson Máté Bózoky:

I imagine a Europe where the family is a fundamental human value, made up of people of all genders and backgrounds. We decide for ourselves what we call a family. I imagine a Europe where perceptions of adoption are changing. It is not the same or different sex parents who should be given the opportunity to adopt, but the child to have access to a family as soon as possible. In my Europe, education is not the nucleus of lexical knowledge. In my Europe, the student should discover and develop his or her own talents. Let us not raise functional illiterates in my Europe. In this Europe, free people must be brought up, not servants of state power.

If you are interested in participating in this working group, please send an email with your contact details to: wg-family-and-education@elfr.eu and we will come back to you as soon as possible. Please put workinggroups@elfr.eu in CC. We are looking forward to your contribution!

Author Profile

Piotr Azia
Piotr Azia
Piotr Azia, Polish-Italian, I feel more European than anything else. My contributions range from the media to culture, the environment and geopolitics – and any subject that may merit discussing from a liberal point of view. I also organise ELfR webinars – get in touch if you have a subject you’d like to discuss or see included in future
WG Family and Education

Piotr Azia

Piotr Azia, Polish-Italian, I feel more European than anything else. My contributions range from the media to culture, the environment and geopolitics – and any subject that may merit discussing from a liberal point of view. I also organise ELfR webinars – get in touch if you have a subject you’d like to discuss or see included in future

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