The COVID-19 pandemic has influenced everyone of us massively and seemed to have changed our everyday’s life forever. Therefore one main aspect of our health working group will be of course the Covid-19 pandemic. How can we adjust to a new normal? Will we ever get our old lives back? How can further pandemics of a similar impact be prevented? How can doubts about vaccines be taken care of?

But also other aspects concerning health such as mental health, cancer research and medicide shall be discussed.

What is the aim of this working group in the long run?

Most likely, we will not cure cancer and we will not end the pandemic. But we can create a network of people working in health care and science, of interested people sharing their own experience who would like to find solutions and a way to positively influence European health policy with a liberal mindset.

About our working group chairperson Theresa Zettl:

I decided to chair this working group because of several reasons: Most people do not appreciate their luck of being healthy. When you struggle with health issues you are always in some kind of need of other people supporting you.

Having taken care of my father fulltime for more than 5 years until his very last breath and myself fighting depression and anxiety attacks for quite some time, I also want to share my own experiences: Prejudging people with mental disorders must stop and we need to rise awareness in this matter, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Also I am very much interested in medical professional articles and researches.

If you are interested in participating in this working group, please send an email with your contact details to: and Theresa Zettl will come back to you as soon as possible. Please put in CC. We are looking forward to your contribution!

Next working group online meeting:

Monday, 6th of September, 2021 at 20:30 CET on Webex

Computer with a heart rate. ELfR Working group health

Author Profile

Piotr Azia
Piotr Azia
Piotr Azia, Polish-Italian, I feel more European than anything else. My contributions range from the media to culture, the environment and geopolitics – and any subject that may merit discussing from a liberal point of view. I also organise ELfR webinars – get in touch if you have a subject you’d like to discuss or see included in future
WG Health

Piotr Azia

Piotr Azia, Polish-Italian, I feel more European than anything else. My contributions range from the media to culture, the environment and geopolitics – and any subject that may merit discussing from a liberal point of view. I also organise ELfR webinars – get in touch if you have a subject you’d like to discuss or see included in future

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